$7.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Baby-Led Piano Weekly™

Join Baby-Led Piano™ Weekly Today

What you'll get:

  • New Content Every Week for 1 Year
  • Short, bite-size videos to teach you strategies and activities to do with your baby or young child to teach them music at their level
  • Access to Miss Holly for questions & Support
  • A fun new way to build connection with your baby for years to come!

Baby-Led Piano™ Weekly is designed & delivered to be completed in 1 year but you'll retain access to the content as long as you remain a member so feel free to go at a pace that works for you.

Lessons are delivered weekly after signing up, so you have 7 days between each lesson to use your new skills with your baby before moving on to the next one.

At the end of the year you and your child will have a strong foundation in music, but more importantly, you'll have fostered a love for the language of music together.

You can cancel your membership at anytime. Members in good standing will retain access to all content for the life of the program.